Tarsì Srls ئاپەکان

iLimone 4.4.10
Tarsì Srls
The official app includes all the information you need about thetown you live in, and is the best way to find out what's going on:from notifications of arts, cultural and sporting events, toinformation on services for both local people and visitors. "iTown"is the first and only pioneering communication tool aimed atcreating a network of Italian towns, and enabling sharing ofevents, promotions and magazines in local areas. Also: √ Searchesin all languages, even offline The app recognises your device'slanguage setting and shows all categories and key information inyour chosen language √ Events in your town and other "iTown" townsGli utenti potranno essere informati sui principali eventi attornoa loro con aggiornamento in tempo reale di data, orario egeolocalizzazione √ Detailed geolocalised profiles Get informationon major events in your local area with real-time updates on dates,times and geolocation √ Promotions and profiles shared with other"iTown" apps No need to download a new app every time you want tofind a nearby company or promotion, you'll find them all in the"Showcase" network √ Magazines in pdf format that can also beviewed offline Download pdf magazines from the "news-stand" sectionand view them offline anywhere, at any time √ Up-to-date weatherinformation Plan your day according to the weather forecast √ Keepup to date with push notifications Get information and updatesdirectly and in real time, and you’ll never miss out on anythingagain √ Communicate via notifications Actively participate ininitiatives such as urban environment, waste management, safety,roads, health, etc. by sending notifications And a lot more iscoming...
Valtenesi 4.4.10
Tarsì Srls
The official app includes all the information you need about thetown you live in, and is the best way to find out what's going on:from notifications of arts, cultural and sporting events, toinformation on services for both local people and visitors. "iTown"is the first and only pioneering communication tool aimed atcreating a network of Italian towns, and enabling sharing ofevents, promotions and magazines in local areas. Also: √ Searchesin all languages, even offline The app recognises your device'slanguage setting and shows all categories and key information inyour chosen language √ Events in your town and other "iTown" townsGli utenti potranno essere informati sui principali eventi attornoa loro con aggiornamento in tempo reale di data, orario egeolocalizzazione √ Detailed geolocalised profiles Get informationon major events in your local area with real-time updates on dates,times and geolocation √ Promotions and profiles shared with other"iTown" apps No need to download a new app every time you want tofind a nearby company or promotion, you'll find them all in the"Showcase" network √ Magazines in pdf format that can also beviewed offline Download pdf magazines from the "news-stand" sectionand view them offline anywhere, at any time √ Up-to-date weatherinformation Plan your day according to the weather forecast √ Keepup to date with push notifications Get information and updatesdirectly and in real time, and you’ll never miss out on anythingagain √ Communicate via notifications Actively participate ininitiatives such as urban environment, waste management, safety,roads, health, etc. by sending notifications And a lot more iscoming...
Garda Lake 4.5.2
Tarsì Srls
Thank you for downloading the official app, part of the "iTown"network.
Brescia 4.4.10
Tarsì Srls
The App includes all the information you need about the town youlive in, and is the best way to find out what's going on: fromnotifications of arts, cultural and sporting events, to informationon services for both local people and visitors. "iTown" is thefirst and only pioneering communication tool aimed at creating anetwork of Italian towns, and enabling sharing of events,promotions and magazines in local areas. Also: √ Searches in alllanguages, even offline The app recognises your device's languagesetting and shows all categories and key information in your chosenlanguage √ Events in your town and other "iTown" towns Gli utentipotranno essere informati sui principali eventi attorno a loro conaggiornamento in tempo reale di data, orario e geolocalizzazione √Detailed geolocalised profiles Get information on major events inyour local area with real-time updates on dates, times andgeolocation √ Promotions and profiles shared with other "iTown"apps No need to download a new app every time you want to find anearby company or promotion, you'll find them all in the "Showcase"network √ Magazines in pdf format that can also be viewed offlineDownload pdf magazines from the "news-stand" section and view themoffline anywhere, at any time √ Up-to-date weather information Planyour day according to the weather forecast √ Keep up to date withpush notifications Get information and updates directly and in realtime, and you’ll never miss out on anything again √ Communicate vianotifications Actively participate in initiatives such as urbanenvironment, waste management, safety, roads, health, etc. bysending notifications And a lot more is coming...
Iseo 4.4.10
Tarsì Srls
The official app includes all the information you need about thetown you live in, and is the best way to find out what's going on:from notifications of arts, cultural and sporting events, toinformation on services for both local people and visitors. "iTown"is the first and only pioneering communication tool aimed atcreating a network of Italian towns, and enabling sharing ofevents, promotions and magazines in local areas. Also: √ Searchesin all languages, even offline The app recognises your device'slanguage setting and shows all categories and key information inyour chosen language √ Events in your town and other "iTown" townsGli utenti potranno essere informati sui principali eventi attornoa loro con aggiornamento in tempo reale di data, orario egeolocalizzazione √ Detailed geolocalised profiles Get informationon major events in your local area with real-time updates on dates,times and geolocation √ Promotions and profiles shared with other"iTown" apps No need to download a new app every time you want tofind a nearby company or promotion, you'll find them all in the"Showcase" network √ Magazines in pdf format that can also beviewed offline Download pdf magazines from the "news-stand" sectionand view them offline anywhere, at any time √ Up-to-date weatherinformation Plan your day according to the weather forecast √ Keepup to date with push notifications Get information and updatesdirectly and in real time, and you’ll never miss out on anythingagain √ Communicate via notifications Actively participate ininitiatives such as urban environment, waste management, safety,roads, health, etc. by sending notifications And a lot more iscoming...
Cremona 4.4.10
Tarsì Srls
The app includes all the information you need about the town youlive in, and is the best way to find out what's going on: fromnotifications of arts, cultural and sporting events, to informationon services for both local people and visitors. "iTown" is thefirst and only pioneering communication tool aimed at creating anetwork of Italian towns, and enabling sharing of events,promotions and magazines in local areas. Also: √ Searches in alllanguages, even offline The app recognises your device's languagesetting and shows all categories and key information in your chosenlanguage √ Events in your town and other "iTown" towns Gli utentipotranno essere informati sui principali eventi attorno a loro conaggiornamento in tempo reale di data, orario e geolocalizzazione √Detailed geolocalised profiles Get information on major events inyour local area with real-time updates on dates, times andgeolocation √ Promotions and profiles shared with other "iTown"apps No need to download a new app every time you want to find anearby company or promotion, you'll find them all in the "Showcase"network √ Magazines in pdf format that can also be viewed offlineDownload pdf magazines from the "news-stand" section and view themoffline anywhere, at any time √ Up-to-date weather information Planyour day according to the weather forecast √ Keep up to date withpush notifications Get information and updates directly and in realtime, and you’ll never miss out on anything again √ Communicate vianotifications Actively participate in initiatives such as urbanenvironment, waste management, safety, roads, health, etc. bysending notifications And a lot more is coming...
Paratico 4.4.10
Tarsì Srls
The official app includes all the information you need about thetown you live in, and is the best way to find out what's going on:from notifications of arts, cultural and sporting events, toinformation on services for both local people and visitors. "iTown"is the first and only pioneering communication tool aimed atcreating a network of Italian towns, and enabling sharing ofevents, promotions and magazines in local areas. Also: √ Searchesin all languages, even offline The app recognises your device'slanguage setting and shows all categories and key information inyour chosen language √ Events in your town and other "iTown" townsGli utenti potranno essere informati sui principali eventi attornoa loro con aggiornamento in tempo reale di data, orario egeolocalizzazione √ Detailed geolocalised profiles Get informationon major events in your local area with real-time updates on dates,times and geolocation √ Promotions and profiles shared with other"iTown" apps No need to download a new app every time you want tofind a nearby company or promotion, you'll find them all in the"Showcase" network √ Magazines in pdf format that can also beviewed offline Download pdf magazines from the "news-stand" sectionand view them offline anywhere, at any time √ Up-to-date weatherinformation Plan your day according to the weather forecast √ Keepup to date with push notifications Get information and updatesdirectly and in real time, and you’ll never miss out on anythingagain √ Communicate via notifications Actively participate ininitiatives such as urban environment, waste management, safety,roads, health, etc. by sending notifications And a lot more iscoming...
Verona 4.4.10
Tarsì Srls
The Verona app includes all the information you need about the townyou live in, and is the best way to find out what's going on: fromnotifications of arts, cultural and sporting events, to informationon services for both local people and visitors. "iTown" is thefirst and only pioneering communication tool aimed at creating anetwork of Italian towns, and enabling sharing of events,promotions and magazines in local areas. Also: √ Searches in alllanguages, even offline The app recognises your device's languagesetting and shows all categories and key information in your chosenlanguage √ Events in your town and other "iTown" towns Gli utentipotranno essere informati sui principali eventi attorno a loro conaggiornamento in tempo reale di data, orario e geolocalizzazione √Detailed geolocalised profiles Get information on major events inyour local area with real-time updates on dates, times andgeolocation √ Promotions and profiles shared with other "iTown"apps No need to download a new app every time you want to find anearby company or promotion, you'll find them all in the "Showcase"network √ Magazines in pdf format that can also be viewed offlineDownload pdf magazines from the "news-stand" section and view themoffline anywhere, at any time √ Up-to-date weather information Planyour day according to the weather forecast √ Keep up to date withpush notifications Get information and updates directly and in realtime, and you’ll never miss out on anything again √ Communicate vianotifications Actively participate in initiatives such as urbanenvironment, waste management, safety, roads, health, etc. bysending notifications And a lot more is coming...
Corte Franca 4.4.10
Tarsì Srls
The official app includes all the information you need about thetown you live in, and is the best way to find out what's going on:from notifications of arts, cultural and sporting events, toinformation on services for both local people and visitors. "iTown"is the first and only pioneering communication tool aimed atcreating a network of Italian towns, and enabling sharing ofevents, promotions and magazines in local areas. Also: √ Searchesin all languages, even offline The app recognises your device'slanguage setting and shows all categories and key information inyour chosen language √ Events in your town and other "iTown" townsGli utenti potranno essere informati sui principali eventi attornoa loro con aggiornamento in tempo reale di data, orario egeolocalizzazione √ Detailed geolocalised profiles Get informationon major events in your local area with real-time updates on dates,times and geolocation √ Promotions and profiles shared with other"iTown" apps No need to download a new app every time you want tofind a nearby company or promotion, you'll find them all in the"Showcase" network √ Magazines in pdf format that can also beviewed offline Download pdf magazines from the "news-stand" sectionand view them offline anywhere, at any time √ Up-to-date weatherinformation Plan your day according to the weather forecast √ Keepup to date with push notifications Get information and updatesdirectly and in real time, and you’ll never miss out on anythingagain √ Communicate via notifications Actively participate ininitiatives such as urban environment, waste management, safety,roads, health, etc. by sending notifications And a lot more iscoming...
Bedizzole 4.4.10
Tarsì Srls
The official app includes all the information you need about thetown you live in, and is the best way to find out what's going on:from notifications of arts, cultural and sporting events, toinformation on services for both local people and visitors. "iTown"is the first and only pioneering communication tool aimed atcreating a network of Italian towns, and enabling sharing ofevents, promotions and magazines in local areas. Also: √ Searchesin all languages, even offline The app recognises your device'slanguage setting and shows all categories and key information inyour chosen language √ Events in your town and other "iTown" townsGli utenti potranno essere informati sui principali eventi attornoa loro con aggiornamento in tempo reale di data, orario egeolocalizzazione √ Detailed geolocalised profiles Get informationon major events in your local area with real-time updates on dates,times and geolocation √ Promotions and profiles shared with other"iTown" apps No need to download a new app every time you want tofind a nearby company or promotion, you'll find them all in the"Showcase" network √ Magazines in pdf format that can also beviewed offline Download pdf magazines from the "news-stand" sectionand view them offline anywhere, at any time √ Up-to-date weatherinformation Plan your day according to the weather forecast √ Keepup to date with push notifications Get information and updatesdirectly and in real time, and you’ll never miss out on anythingagain √ Communicate via notifications Actively participate ininitiatives such as urban environment, waste management, safety,roads, health, etc. by sending notifications And a lot more iscoming...
Salò 4.4.10
Tarsì Srls
The official app includes all the information you need about thetown you live in, and is the best way to find out what's going on:from notifications of arts, cultural and sporting events, toinformation on services for both local people and visitors. "iTown"is the first and only pioneering communication tool aimed atcreating a network of Italian towns, and enabling sharing ofevents, promotions and magazines in local areas. Also: √ Searchesin all languages, even offline The app recognises your device'slanguage setting and shows all categories and key information inyour chosen language √ Events in your town and other "iTown" townsGli utenti potranno essere informati sui principali eventi attornoa loro con aggiornamento in tempo reale di data, orario egeolocalizzazione √ Detailed geolocalised profiles Get informationon major events in your local area with real-time updates on dates,times and geolocation √ Promotions and profiles shared with other"iTown" apps No need to download a new app every time you want tofind a nearby company or promotion, you'll find them all in the"Showcase" network √ Magazines in pdf format that can also beviewed offline Download pdf magazines from the "news-stand" sectionand view them offline anywhere, at any time √ Up-to-date weatherinformation Plan your day according to the weather forecast √ Keepup to date with push notifications Get information and updatesdirectly and in real time, and you’ll never miss out on anythingagain √ Communicate via notifications Actively participate ininitiatives such as urban environment, waste management, safety,roads, health, etc. by sending notifications And a lot more iscoming...
Peschiera d/G 4.4.10
Tarsì Srls
Thank you for downloading the official app, part of the "iTown"network.
Erbusco 4.4.10
Tarsì Srls
The official app includes all the information you need about thetown you live in, and is the best way to find out what's going on:from notifications of arts, cultural and sporting events, toinformation on services for both local people and visitors. "iTown"is the first and only pioneering communication tool aimed atcreating a network of Italian towns, and enabling sharing ofevents, promotions and magazines in local areas. Also: √ Searchesin all languages, even offline The app recognises your device'slanguage setting and shows all categories and key information inyour chosen language √ Events in your town and other "iTown" townsGli utenti potranno essere informati sui principali eventi attornoa loro con aggiornamento in tempo reale di data, orario egeolocalizzazione √ Detailed geolocalised profiles Get informationon major events in your local area with real-time updates on dates,times and geolocation √ Promotions and profiles shared with other"iTown" apps No need to download a new app every time you want tofind a nearby company or promotion, you'll find them all in the"Showcase" network √ Magazines in pdf format that can also beviewed offline Download pdf magazines from the "news-stand" sectionand view them offline anywhere, at any time √ Up-to-date weatherinformation Plan your day according to the weather forecast √ Keepup to date with push notifications Get information and updatesdirectly and in real time, and you’ll never miss out on anythingagain √ Communicate via notifications Actively participate ininitiatives such as urban environment, waste management, safety,roads, health, etc. by sending notifications And a lot more iscoming...
Monticelli Brusati 4.4.10
Tarsì Srls
The official app includes all the information you need about thetown you live in, and is the best way to find out what's going on:from notifications of arts, cultural and sporting events, toinformation on services for both local people and visitors. "iTown"is the first and only pioneering communication tool aimed atcreating a network of Italian towns, and enabling sharing ofevents, promotions and magazines in local areas. Also: √ Searchesin all languages, even offline The app recognises your device'slanguage setting and shows all categories and key information inyour chosen language √ Events in your town and other "iTown" townsGli utenti potranno essere informati sui principali eventi attornoa loro con aggiornamento in tempo reale di data, orario egeolocalizzazione √ Detailed geolocalised profiles Get informationon major events in your local area with real-time updates on dates,times and geolocation √ Promotions and profiles shared with other"iTown" apps No need to download a new app every time you want tofind a nearby company or promotion, you'll find them all in the"Showcase" network √ Magazines in pdf format that can also beviewed offline Download pdf magazines from the "news-stand" sectionand view them offline anywhere, at any time √ Up-to-date weatherinformation Plan your day according to the weather forecast √ Keepup to date with push notifications Get information and updatesdirectly and in real time, and you’ll never miss out on anythingagain √ Communicate via notifications Actively participate ininitiatives such as urban environment, waste management, safety,roads, health, etc. by sending notifications And a lot more iscoming...
Gardone Riviera 4.5.0
Tarsì Srls
The official app includes all the information you need aboutthetown you live in, and is the best way to find out what's goingon:from notifications of arts, cultural and sporting events,toinformation on services for both local people and visitors."iTown"is the first and only pioneering communication tool aimedatcreating a network of Italian towns, and enabling sharingofevents, promotions and magazines in local areas. Also: √Searchesin all languages, even offline The app recognises yourdevice'slanguage setting and shows all categories and keyinformation inyour chosen language √ Events in your town and other"iTown" townsGli utenti potranno essere informati sui principalieventi attornoa loro con aggiornamento in tempo reale di data,orario egeolocalizzazione √ Detailed geolocalised profiles Getinformationon major events in your local area with real-timeupdates on dates,times and geolocation √ Promotions and profilesshared with other"iTown" apps No need to download a new app everytime you want tofind a nearby company or promotion, you'll findthem all in the"Showcase" network √ Magazines in pdf format thatcan also beviewed offline Download pdf magazines from the"news-stand" sectionand view them offline anywhere, at any time √Up-to-date weatherinformation Plan your day according to theweather forecast √ Keepup to date with push notifications Getinformation and updatesdirectly and in real time, and you’ll nevermiss out on anythingagain √ Communicate via notifications Activelyparticipate ininitiatives such as urban environment, wastemanagement, safety,roads, health, etc. by sending notifications Anda lot more iscoming...
Poncarale 1.0.0
Tarsì Srls
The official app includes all the information you need aboutthetown you live in, and is the best way to find out what's goingon:from notifications of arts, cultural and sporting events,toinformation on services for both local people and visitors."iTown"is the first and only pioneering communication tool aimedatcreating a network of Italian towns, and enabling sharingofevents, promotions and magazines in local areas. Also: √Searchesin all languages, even offline The app recognises yourdevice'slanguage setting and shows all categories and keyinformation inyour chosen language √ Events in your town and other"iTown" townsGli utenti potranno essere informati sui principalieventi attornoa loro con aggiornamento in tempo reale di data,orario egeolocalizzazione √ Detailed geolocalised profiles Getinformationon major events in your local area with real-timeupdates on dates,times and geolocation √ Promotions and profilesshared with other"iTown" apps No need to download a new app everytime you want tofind a nearby company or promotion, you'll findthem all in the"Showcase" network √ Magazines in pdf format thatcan also beviewed offline Download pdf magazines from the"news-stand" sectionand view them offline anywhere, at any time √Up-to-date weatherinformation Plan your day according to theweather forecast √ Keepup to date with push notifications Getinformation and updatesdirectly and in real time, and you’ll nevermiss out on anythingagain √ Communicate via notifications Activelyparticipate ininitiatives such as urban environment, wastemanagement, safety,roads, health, etc. by sending notifications Anda lot more iscoming...
De Sica Center 4.5.0
Tarsì Srls
Scarica l'App e scopri come vivere al meglio i tuoi momenti alDeSica. Avrai la possibilità di organizzare la tuaseratadirettamente dall'App. Potrai consultare tutte leinformazioni epromozioni sull'App, che sostituisce lo scomodomateriale cartaceo.Tutte le news aggiornate con un semplice tocco,in qualsiasi luogo,in qualsiasi momento... Porta De Sica con te!
Sirmione 4.4.10
Tarsì Srls
The official app includes all the information you need aboutthetown you live in, and is the best way to find out what's goingon:from notifications of arts, cultural and sporting events,toinformation on services for both local people and visitors."iTown"is the first and only pioneering communication tool aimedatcreating a network of Italian towns, and enabling sharingofevents, promotions and magazines in local areas. Also: √Searchesin all languages, even offline The app recognises yourdevice'slanguage setting and shows all categories and keyinformation inyour chosen language √ Events in your town and other"iTown" townsGli utenti potranno essere informati sui principalieventi attornoa loro con aggiornamento in tempo reale di data,orario egeolocalizzazione √ Detailed geolocalised profiles Getinformationon major events in your local area with real-timeupdates on dates,times and geolocation √ Promotions and profilesshared with other"iTown" apps No need to download a new app everytime you want tofind a nearby company or promotion, you'll findthem all in the"Showcase" network √ Magazines in pdf format thatcan also beviewed offline Download pdf magazines from the"news-stand" sectionand view them offline anywhere, at any time √Up-to-date weatherinformation Plan your day according to theweather forecast √ Keepup to date with push notifications Getinformation and updatesdirectly and in real time, and you’ll nevermiss out on anythingagain √ Communicate via notifications Activelyparticipate ininitiatives such as urban environment, wastemanagement, safety,roads, health, etc. by sending notifications Anda lot more iscoming...
Moniga 4.5.0
Tarsì Srls
The official app includes all the information you need aboutthetown you live in, and is the best way to find out what's goingon:from notifications of arts, cultural and sporting events,toinformation on services for both local people and visitors."iTown"is the first and only pioneering communication tool aimedatcreating a network of Italian towns, and enabling sharingofevents, promotions and magazines in local areas. Also: √Searchesin all languages, even offline The app recognises yourdevice'slanguage setting and shows all categories and keyinformation inyour chosen language √ Events in your town and other"iTown" townsGli utenti potranno essere informati sui principalieventi attornoa loro con aggiornamento in tempo reale di data,orario egeolocalizzazione √ Detailed geolocalised profiles Getinformationon major events in your local area with real-timeupdates on dates,times and geolocation √ Promotions and profilesshared with other"iTown" apps No need to download a new app everytime you want tofind a nearby company or promotion, you'll findthem all in the"Showcase" network √ Magazines in pdf format thatcan also beviewed offline Download pdf magazines from the"news-stand" sectionand view them offline anywhere, at any time √Up-to-date weatherinformation Plan your day according to theweather forecast √ Keepup to date with push notifications Getinformation and updatesdirectly and in real time, and you’ll nevermiss out on anythingagain √ Communicate via notifications Activelyparticipate ininitiatives such as urban environment, wastemanagement, safety,roads, health, etc. by sending notifications Anda lot more iscoming...
Desenzano d/G 4.4.10
Tarsì Srls
The official app includes all the information you need aboutthetown you live in, and is the best way to find out what's goingon:from notifications of arts, cultural and sporting events,toinformation on services for both local people and visitors."iTown"is the first and only pioneering communication tool aimedatcreating a network of Italian towns, and enabling sharingofevents, promotions and magazines in local areas. Also: √Searchesin all languages, even offline The app recognises yourdevice'slanguage setting and shows all categories and keyinformation inyour chosen language √ Events in your town and other"iTown" townsGli utenti potranno essere informati sui principalieventi attornoa loro con aggiornamento in tempo reale di data,orario egeolocalizzazione √ Detailed geolocalised profiles Getinformationon major events in your local area with real-timeupdates on dates,times and geolocation √ Promotions and profilesshared with other"iTown" apps No need to download a new app everytime you want tofind a nearby company or promotion, you'll findthem all in the"Showcase" network √ Magazines in pdf format thatcan also beviewed offline Download pdf magazines from the"news-stand" sectionand view them offline anywhere, at any time √Up-to-date weatherinformation Plan your day according to theweather forecast √ Keepup to date with push notifications Getinformation and updatesdirectly and in real time, and you’ll nevermiss out on anythingagain √ Communicate via notifications Activelyparticipate ininitiatives such as urban environment, wastemanagement, safety,roads, health, etc. by sending notifications Anda lot more iscoming...
Montichiari 1.0.3
Tarsì Srls
Thank you for downloading the official app, part of the "iTown"network.
Stresa e Baveno 1.0
Tarsì Srls
The first FREE mobile application dedicated to the cities of Stresaand Baveno.
iTown 1.1.5
Tarsì Srls
The first FREE mobile application dedicated to your municipality.